Arsenal and Cologne face UEFA probe following 'disorder' as 20,000 fans descend on London

Arsenal and Cologne face UEFA probe following 'disorder' as 20,000 fans descend on London

Two leading soccer clubs -- Arsenal and Cologne -- are facing disciplinary proceedings by European football's governing body UEFA after 20,000 fans of the German club descended on London.

Labeled as "sporadic disorder" by British police and "jovial" by others, Arsenal's Europa League match against Cologne on Thursday divided opinion of those in the stands and watching on television.
Despite only being given 3,000 official tickets, thousands of other Cologne fans flocked to London in celebration of the club's first appearance in European competition for a quarter of a century.
Earlier on Thursday it became clear this was going to be no ordinary European football game as thousands of chanting Cologne fans marched through central London.
Arsenal and Cologne face UEFA probe following 'disorder' as 20,000 fans descend on London Arsenal and Cologne face UEFA probe following 'disorder' as 20,000 fans descend on London Reviewed by Cybercoder one on September 15, 2017 Rating: 5

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